PhD Student and other roles.

With regards to the PhD I am doing, it is part of my pursuit to impart my knowledge and experience to others and contribute to the body of human knowledge.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Amongst other things, I'm doing a PhD....

The time, late 2011. The place, The University of Manchester. I begin a PhD in Computer Science. I am an extra mature student, having spent a few decades in industry as a software engineer and running my own little companies, more about that on my Linkedin profile.

So without further ado, what is my PhD about? It's about establishing an information systems framework for the field of Archaeology, 'Arhaeoinfomatics' .

To this end I have carried out some research, the results of which I will hopefully be posting retrospectively from my notes, material already present on-line, and last but no least my memory.

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